A few words
About Us
Praying Mother Of Nations
Our story starts in 2014 with bible study and prayer session

Praying Mother of Nations is a non-denominational gathering of women who have a heart to move mountains through prayers. We pray as the Lord leads us in all manner of prayers – Ephesians 6:18 Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.
Praying Mother of Nations was borne out of God’s desire to see women grow in the knowledge of the word and to use this to stand in the gap for all nations. Praying Mother of Nations started in 2014 with bible study and prayer session once a month with a few women in a local church around Medway, Kent.
After a series of teachings, God led us into praying once a week concerning His desires for nations and we have continued to do that since then holding our prayer session on Mondays at 8pm UK time.
We continue to see the hand of God move amongst us and we continue to grow from strength to strength and in numbers.
Is God calling you to intercede for anyone or for the Nations?
Are you saying I don’t know how to pray? Well, you are not alone, many of us in this group started that way, but God through the Holy Spirit has been working in us daily and leading us. All you need is the willing heart to obey the call of the father.

Our Vision
Our vision is to see women build a stronger intimate relationship with God through prayers so they can fulfil their God-given purpose of their lives on earth.
What We Do
- We pray together consistently.
- We support each other spiritually and in practical ways demonstrating the love of Christ.
- We organise and engage our communities in activities that stimulate our growth in the faith e.g. conferences, Seminars, Bible studies and quizzes.
- We express the love of God through fun activities e.g. summer and Christmas events for children and families.
Our Aim
Our aim is to equip ourselves and our younger generations with the Master’s weapon for building nations ‘Prayers’, so that we can live a peaceable live of love as God intends for the world. Through prayers we want to see homes established and rooted in Christ Jesus as that is the first foundation of a nation builder. We want to see our young ones grow to love God and be established in Christ Jesus manifesting the fruits of the Spirit in all their doings.